Sunday 29 April 2012

i'm Back

Assalamualaikum :))
hey peeps , i'm back again and now the superdupernew ainaa syazwaniza

changes ? yeah , i'm change . now i'm single and i love it , no more useless crying like rain pouring :')
i've been single for 9 days now and for 9 days i didnt text or call him .
YEAH ! it's a big achievement for me .

memandangkan dea dah buang saya dalam hidup dea dan tak menghargai apa yang ada depan mata .
i'm on my own right now :)
having fun is all i want right now
nak kekalkan status single dengan lebih lama dari rekod sebelum nii
if someone really falling with me . how about a marriage ? yes and i'm serious
make sure you already have enough money to be married me :)
i want a super duper real relay okay :)
yaa . i'm 18teen and i already talking rubbish 

anyway :))

i love to be my self again :))

kiss and hugs 

i LOVE you stalker :)) 

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Monday 16 April 2012

Fly High Thru The Night Sky :))


Hai Superman :))
i think i'm not the tough supegirl that i always told you :))
yes . i'm sick of waiting you everyday but deep inside i love you that's why i scarifies my angriness , sadness , happiness and  my smile 

i wish i can be a perfect one for you i wish i can  fly to you when you need me 
hold your hand when you want to kiss you lips if you want to 
I Will Be Always and Forever Hold your words and promises
I cant stop Thinking of you Everyday :))
Saying ILOVEYOU to me only once a day is enough to let me know you love me :))

every day i'm crying but you ever no superman ? no ! you dont know :))
semalam tak tahan sangat , i miss you like hell :((
awak tahu tuh? tak, sebab awak tak rasa apa yang saya rasa , awak tahu saya akan tunggu awak sepanjang malam setiap hari sebab tuh awak buad saya macam tak penah nak wujud
 jangan simpan saya macam perempuan simpanan awak boleh ?

saya nak mintak awak berubah kalau awak sayangkan saya , awak bukan iskandar yang saya ke

better i'm fly off away from the night sky bring all my tears away :')

Sincerely :)
Your SuperDuperGirl :))

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Assalamualaikumm :)) Dulu IskandarZulkifli kitaa macam nii :)) rindu die :')


Apabila seorang lelaki benar-benar jatuh cinta dan setia pada kekasihnya dengan ikhlas, perubahan sikapnya dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Hati lelaki yang dianggap keras selama ini, tiba-tiba menjadi selembut kapas. Bahkan lelaki yang mabuk cinta sanggup berkorban dan melakukan apa sahaja untuk kekasihnya. Sekeras manapun hati lelaki ia akan mengalirkan air mata apabila hatinya dilukai. Namun kaum wanita janganlah mengambil kesempatan di atas pengorbanan yang dilakukan lelaki untuk mu itu.

Sekiranya kamu menyedari teman lelaki kamu sentiasa bersungguh-sungguh melakukan sesuatu untuk kamu dengan rela hati, nyata kamu tidak silap memilih teman hidup. Situasi ini terang-terangan sudah menjelaskan perkara sebenar. Dia bukanlah jenis orang yang berdamping denganmu sekadar suka-suka ataupun untuk mengambil kesempatan,tetapi atas dasar cinta yang sebenar. Betapa beruntungnya kamu.

Selain itu, jika teman lelakimu sentiasa buat hatimu senang dan terhibur, itu tandanya dia inginkan perhubungan yang serius daripada kamu. Sudah tentu dalam sesebuah hubungan kita inginkan sesuatu kenangan yang manis untuk dikenang. Jadi tidak hairanlah lelaki sebegini sentiasa inginkan suasana ceria setiap kali berdampingan dengan orang yang dianggap istimewa dalam hidupnya. Padanya, sudah menjadi tanggungjawabnya untuk membuatkan hati orang yang disayangi sentiasa senang dan terhibur.

Jangan kamu anggap teman lelakimu seorang yang kuat membebel sekiranya setiap masa dia cuba memberi kamu nasihat. Ingat, nasihat bermaksud mengingati. Dia akan sentiasa mengingati orang yang dia sayangi agar hubungan yang terjalin berjalan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah. Itu tandanya dia amat menyayangi perhubungan di antara kamu. Jadi, terbukalah mendengar nasihatnya.

Cemburu! Satu sikap yang paling tidak disukai oleh kebanyakan insan yang bercinta. Namun jika diamati, cemburu sebenarnya tanda seseorang itu terlalu menyayangi kamu dan tidak mahu hati kamu berubah. Bukan bermaksud dia ingin mengongkong kebebasanmu, tetapi dia cuba mengambil berat setiap apa yang dilakukan oleh kekasihnya pada setiap inci. Jika kamu setia padanya, tidak salahkan dia cemburu asalkan tidak cemburu buta!

Jika sudah sayang, macam-macam akan kamu fikirkan termasuklah bimbang akan kehilanganya. Begitu juga jika teman lelakimu menyatakan dia selalu memikir dan risaukan kesudahan hubungan kamu. Ini bermakna dia selalu fikirkan mengenai hubungan kamu dan bagaimana untuk menyelamatkannya dari berakhir begitu sahaja. Kalau boleh biarlah ke jinjang pelamin, baru berbaloi!

Kamu pasti pernah melalui situasi di mana teman lelakimu marah dan sentiasa curiga setiap kali kamu bercerita atau berjumpa mengenai lelaki lain di hadapannya. Jangan risau. Bukan bermakna si dia ingin mengongkong perjalanan hidupmu, tetapi risau sekiranya kamu mula berpaling tadah apalagi setelah berjumpa dengan lelaki yang boleh menjadi pencabar terdekatnya. Ini tandanya cintanya begitu mendalam terhadap mu..

Ada juga lelaki yang cepat berasa sensitif dan mudah marah sekiranya apa yang diperkatakannya tidak diambil perhatian, lebihlebih lagi dari orang yang dia sayangi. Baginya kamu bersikap acuh tidak acuh. Hal ini boleh menimbulkan perasaan cemburu meluap-luap, tambahan pula sekiranya kamu boleh menjadi pendengar setia apabila berdampingan dengan orang lain. Pasti dia merasakan dirinya tidak berguna pada kamu.

Lucu tapi hakikatnya begitulah apabila teman lelakimu berperangai tidak ubah seperti anak-anak kecil semata-mata untuk mendapat perhatian daripadamu. Si dia mahu bermanja dan inginkan kekasih hatinya melayannya lebih daripada orang lain yang pernah kamu sayang. Kalau dia merajuk hati, sesekali cubalah untuk memujuknya. Jangan pula kamu sangka manjanya itu mengada-ngada. Bukan senang lelaki sanggup mengubah sikap machonya kepada seorang lelaki yang berperawakan manja. Hanya untuk orang yang disayangi sahaja.

Kamu hadapi masalah dan orang pertama yang datang membantumu adalah teman lelakimu. Tandanya dia tidak mahu melihat kamu susah dan rasa bertanggungjawab untuk membantu. Si dia akan menjadi orang yang paling rajin dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja asalkan kamu senang dan tidak dibebani kerja ataupun masalah. Beruntungnya!

Kamu memberitahunya yang kamu akan ke satu-satu tempat untuk satu jangka masa yang agak lama. Tiba-tiba dia jadi menggelabah dan tidak menentu. Itu tandanya si dia langsung tidak boleh berjauhan darimu dan kamu tidak perlu ragu lagi tentang kesetiaannya.
Sekiranya teman lelakimu sentiasa bertanyakan soalan yang sama, “you masih sayang i?”, jangan anggap itu satu persoalan yang membosankan. Itu tandanya si dia tidak mahu kasih sayang kamu kepadanya menjadi luntur. Sebab itulah, kalimah tersebut sentiasa diulang-ulang agar kamu tahu betapa si dia sentiasa mahu kamu ingat diri kamu sudah dimiliki olehnya.
Si dia sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kekasihnya.. Bukan semua lelaki anggup menitiskan air mata hanya untuk seorang perempuan. Tidakkah kamu terharu melihat seorang lelaki yang sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kamu. Itu membuktikan cintanya begitu kuat buatmu.
Dan pengorbanan paling besar sekal gus menjelaskan lagi betapa si dia menyayangi dirimu apabila teman lelakimu lebih mementingkan diri kamu berbanding dirinya. Apa sahaja yang dilakukan semata-mata untuk mu. Asalkan kamu sentiasa selesa dan berasa selamat setiap kali bersama dirinya. Jadi, HARGAILAH Lelaki dan terimalah mereka seadanya.... Berilah diri kamu peluang untuk kembali mencintai seseorang yang bergelar LELAKI.

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Friday 13 April 2012

being a supergirl :]

assalamualaikum :) long time no see , miss me

i say i don't care but deep inside my heart i know i care that much until I have to be a hypocrites :)
i'm not angry with you i angry with myself i angry because i'm against my better judgement and opened my heart to someone that i cant trusted :)

Dear iskandar , aina tahu esy sayang ainaa kan , tapi nii bukan carenye , unspoken and being selfish like this is not supposed to have in a relationship , every second i will run to my phone and hopping it was you who texting and calling me , dear sayang , i even didn't sleep well when night time because i waiting for you .
dont you see a girl full of love is waiting for you , eys nak ainaa jauh dari esy dulu baru nak hargai ainaa ?
ainaa nak eys aina yang aina kenal 14-02-2012 tuh , tolong lah cari die balik , aina rindu die , rindu sangat !

aina boleh jadi apa jeh untuk eys , kalau bolehb aina nak ada dalam setiap yang berlaku dalam hidup eys .
i can still wait for you , because i'm a supergirl that can be tough to love you.
saying that i love you is not enough :]

but i love you

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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Please :]

Assalamualaikum :]

aina tak kesah bila Esy tade mase dengan aina . aina sabar dan sabar 
tapi kalau diam kau tikam belakang aku sorry aku akan tinggalkan kau :]

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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Assalamualikum :]

Terima Kasih Sebab Makin Jauh daripada saia :]

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Tuesday 3 April 2012


Assalamualaikum :]
hi dear , hi stalker , hi IskandarZulkifli :]
Hari nii keje ainaa update blog jehh , maklumlah banyak sangat yang ada dalm lubuk pusaran hati nii ,
semua orang yang bace blog ainaa niee mesti tanye THE VOW nii best kehh ,
okay saia bagi ranting bintang yang tak terkiraa 

The movie begins with Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) coming out of a movie theater. 
On their way home, when they stop at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their Saab 900 from behind and Paige crashes out through the windshield. 
Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact.. help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met.
 The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwound with the present.When Paige regains her consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor implying her loss of memory. But she has not lost all, except for the past few years of her life. Meanwhile her parents learn about this and come her to visit and it is for the first time Leo meets them. Paige is unable to figure out why she left law school, broke her engagement with Jeremy and why she has not been in touch with her family and friends. Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit and seeks evidence for the marriage. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo hoping it will help regain her lost memory. Paige is welcomed home with a surprise party by her friends but as she's not able to remember any of them, she finds it overwhelming and bursts out in anger.The next day Paige ventures out to her regular cafe but does not remember being there and loses her way back. She calls up her mom as she does not know or remember Leo's number. That evening Leo and Paige are invited for dinner by her parents. At the dinner and in the bar later, Leo does not fit in with her family and friends. Leo keeps trying to help her regain her memory but Paige is more drawn towards finding answers as to why she left law school or broke the engagement. And, in one such occasion with Jeremy, she kisses him. Her doctor advises her to fill the holes in her memory rather than be afraid of her past. With her sister Gwen's wedding approaching, Paige decides to stay with her parents until the wedding. Though Leo asks her out on a date and spend a night with her, the relationship is further strained when Paige's dad tries to persuade Leo to divorce his daughter, and Leo punching Jeremy for talking about chances to bed his wife.Paige rejoins law school and Leo signs the divorce papers. At a store, she meets an old friend who unaware of her amnesia apologizes for having a relationship with her dad; and Paige now realizes why she had left her family. When she confronts her mom about this, her mom tells her that she decided to stay with her dad for all the things he had done right instead of leaving him for one wrong act. Paige then asks Leo why he never told her and he replies he wanted to earn her love instead of driving her away from her parents. Paige, while in class, starts sketching; thus depicting how she first left law school. She does it again and is back into sculpting and drawing. Though Jeremy confesses he broke up with his present girl friend hoping to be back with her, she turns him down stating she needs to know what life'd be without him.And as seasons change, Leo, in a voiceover talks about "moments of impact and ripple affects where some particles are brought closer and some are spun off into great adventures". Back in her room, Paige finds the menu card on which she had written her vow and is deeply moved. The movie ends with Paige waiting for Leo at their regular Cafe Mnemonic and going with him to try a new place instead of their regular alternative, a Cuban place.

Can you kiss me like this ? :]

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The stage of love :]

Assalamualaikum :]

relationships have stages.

STAGE 1 (1-3 Months)- The Honeymoon Stage; 

everything seems perfect, both are happy and feeling in love. you share moments, dates and just having fun with each other, sharing laughs and giggles. its like nothing could stop you. your feelings are infinite, and for once youre thinking, "this may work out…." and it seems like nothing could go wrong. you spend hours getting ready before 
going out with this person. 
#if your relationship ended in this stage-most likely, both rushed into the relationship too quickly. being together was all too sudden and just for the moment. when one starts noticing the flaws, one gets a choice to move foward, or back away. being friends has a high percentage of working out, but nothing to stress over. both may just need the time to get to know one another better. 

STAGE 2 (4-6 months)- The Bumpy Road;

things are going okay now. the relationship is calm and settled. both are still mostly happy. had a couple arguments and disagreements here and there, nothing huge. start to notice some of each other's flaws and aspects of their personalities not seen before, but still truly care for one another.
#if your relationship ended in this stage - you truly cared about this person. you had the energy to fight for this person, yet you feel as if something was lacking, something was missing. it doesn't feel right, one isn't happy. when one isn't happy, one tends to walk away to seek their new happiness. being friends is still a possibility. 

STAGE 3 (7-12 months)- The Rocky Mountain; 

you start to realize who your partner really is. a few more arguments may occur. problems with jealously, overprotectiveness may arise. other people may come in the picture. The "in love" moments start to decrease, but you feel as if you've "fallen in love." you tend to have this energy inside to strive and "make it work" and you feel more comfortable being around this person, feeling more of yourself. 

#if your relationship ends in this stage - you feel as if you're hurt, depending on the circumstances. you were so sure that that person was "The One" you were so SURE that he/she was different. but like a cancer, a problem that may have happened, a small issue, grew into something larger that took over what was made between two people. you still miss this person from time to time. you still remember the memories. being friends may be difficult right away, but over time, you slowly mature up, and learn the reality of it.

STAGE 4 (1 year or more)- The Long Road 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years;

huh? this person truly means something to you. You are "in love" with this person. he/she made a difference in your life. no one else knows you more than this person. you guys have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly, and still strive to make it last. 

#if your relationship ends in this stage - you feel heartbroken' its tough. you cant sleep, cant eat, you miss him/her, you try to move on, you try meeting new people, but seems like nothing works. for whatever reason the split occured, it must've been something important, or something must have been so wrong that it took over. being "just friends" is impossible, because if you tried to be friends, you wouldn't be able to think of them in any other way besides the one you once "loved."

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Assalamualaikum :]
Hi Dear , Hi Stalker and Hi cintaa hati :]
sayang , tape kalau awak pentingkan membe-2 sebab dieorang yang selalu dengan awak,yang lebih kenal awak , so beby tak kesah , tapi please jangan buang beby terus , jangan letak beby kat tepi pelusuk hati bie 
sebab beby tak tahu berapa lama and tak kuad nak terus berada kat pelusuk dunia hati bie tuh ,
 so letak beby dekat tempat yang paling penting okay,
bie lah kelemahan beby bila bie dengan beby , awak tahu kan tuh sayang ,
because my heart like a lightweight easy to fall and easy to break ,
saia tahu awak sayangkan saia , dan saia paham awak macam mane ,
saia tak kesah dengan layanan awak , cume hargai saia dengan lebih baik,
kalau perempuan lain maybe da give up dengan relay nii .
tapi aina takan give up ,
perbualan paling kelakar dengan awak adalah topic kahwin :]
sangat sweet bila soalan merepek awak keluar 

"Aina Syazwaniza Sudi tak awak mengahwini saya ?"

Hoping to be with you until the end of the whole world :]

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The finding of love

  Assalamualaikum :]

No matter how futile it feels, hope in finding love is never misplaced. A famous general was once asked the secret of his phenomenal success in battle. He replied, “I never retreated.” After a pause, his interviewer commented that this was difficult to believe. “Oh, I sometimes had to ‘advance to the rear,’ but I never ordered a retreat,” the general explained. Then his point became clear: Victory frequently depends upon refusing to accept the possibility of defeat. It matters what you say—and even what you think—about your life. Hopelessness, fed by negative attitudes and ideas, often becomes a self-fulfilling condition.
Don’t think you are a failure at relationships. Say you are training to succeed. 
Don’t complain there is no one for you. Say you are searching for a gem of exceptionally rare quality. Don’t consider your time alone as wasted. Say that you are improving yourself so you’ll be an irresistible catch for an irresistible partner.

Clinging to hope isn’t mere wishful thinking. It literally helps create the conditions you need for success. Giving up guarantees failure. Any coach of any sports team knows that the surest way to lose a game is to not show up. Similarly, what are the chances of a tennis player winning the championship if she doesn’t enter the tournament? Or a job applicant getting the prized position if he doesn’t arrive for the scheduled interview? That’s right—zero!
Simply put, there’s no reason you can’t find the love of your life if you hang in there, keep going, and stay persistent. If you want to dramatically increase your chances of “winning” a wonderful partner, start by deciding to never give up.
If you’ve been burned by relationships that went sour, if you’ve grown weary of dates that lead nowhere, if you’re tired of being disappointed, realize that you are not alone. And most of all, resist the temptation to give in to hopelessness. Believe the best about yourself, and then always believe that a delightful partner is searching for you, too.

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lightweight :]

Assalamualaikum :] sayang new song for you :]

The Slightest Words You Said,
Have All Gone To My Head
I Hear Angels Sing, In Your Voice
When You Pull Me Close,
Feelings I've Never Known
They Mean Everything,
And Leave Me No Choice

Light On My Heart,
Light On My Feet,
Light In Your Eyes,
I Can't Even Speak
Do You Even Know,
How You Make Me Weak

I'm A Lightweight Better Be Careful What You Say
With Every Word I'm Blown Away
You're In Control Of My Heart

I'm A Lightweight Easy To Fall Easy To Break
With Every Move My Whole World Shakes
Keep Me From Falling Apart

Make A Promise Please
You'll Always Be In Reach
Just In Case I Need
You There When I Call (Here When I Call)
This Is All So New
Seems To Good To Be True
Could This Really Be
A Safe Place To Fall

Light On My Heart,
Light On My Feet,
Light In Your Eyes,
I Can't Even Speak
Do You Even Know,
How You Make Me Weak

by : Demi Lovato

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maybe i love you :]

Assalamualaikum :]

hai sayang , hai stalker , hai pengedap . yang penting sekali Hai IskandarZulkifli

aina terfikir selama sebulan kita tak ada apa-2 , adakah IskandarZulkifli nii maseh anggap saia
sebagai gurlfiee die? mula-2 aina pk bukan-2 jugak lah kan tapi bila fikir balik die sanggup temankan ainaa
keluar , okay die maseh sayang dekat ainaa :]
tapi awak lain lah sekarang iskandar , tak macam dulu lagi, hmm
beby tak harap pun bie akan tetap sama kan , tapi saia nak iskandar lama saia balik :[
manusie berubah , tadi mase lunch beby call bie kan , lepas tuh beby tanye kenapa bie terime beby balik ?
cinta hati saia cakap : mula-2 nak anggap macam kawan jeh , tapi lepas dah lama-2 jumpe tuh rasa sayang tuh datang balik , perasaan masa mula-2 kita kenal and couple dulu. sebab tuh lah bie terime beby balik :]
sangat sweet :]
perasaan bie dekat beby susahkan n ak berubahh , weee :]
baguslahh, masa clash benda-2 merepek yang beby send tuh abaikan okay.
text-2 tuh datang dari hati yang marah , hahaha
aina syazwaniza nii takan give up kann , awak tahu tuhh , mulut jeh cakap lebih tapi hati tak sampai hati nak buad macam tuh
nak mintak something dari bie bolehh ? tuh pun kalau tak menyusahkan lah kann,
i want my old IskandarZulkifli yang marah-2 aina kalau aina buad salah, buad bende bukan-2

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Sunday 1 April 2012

Here We Go Again ❤

Assalamualaikum :]

Hai , hari tuh aina cakap aina nak stop posting dekad sini kann :]
tapii , okay , aina dengan esy dah okay balik , dan sama2 balik ,, wee ~~
suke sangat , kiteorang baik 1 April 2012 8.00 pm .

awak macam mane pun sayang , beby tetap sayang awak :]
semalam tengok THE VOW dengan dea 

tercapai dah hasrat nak tengok cerite nii dengan dea , satu hari dengan dea ,
i love you so much sayang :]
awak cakap saia romantik , tengok cerite nii menanges-2 . die tengok dan tidur dalam tuh sambil pegang kedua-2 tangan saia , saia tahu yang saia betul-2 perlukan awak ,saya betul-2 sukakan awak dalam hati kira days to go  
okay , cerite nii sumpah seronok , enjoy this movie while you can :}

malam mase dea hanta aina balik dea pegang tangan ainaa then cakap aina i terime you balik jadi girlfriend i .
because i love you so much :]

okbye ! saia bahagia :]

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